INFS7204 – Services-Oriented Architectures

This subject covered the fundamentals of the development paradigm services-oriented architecture with practical assignments written in C#. The 4 assignments involved building simple web applications using .Net 4 –, C# web services, and HTML/JavaScript.

Practical 1 – Calculator

This first assignment was a simple introduction to web services and The task was to build a simple calculator web form. For extra credit, also build a binary number converter and a feature to count (literally) the 0s and 1s in the resultant binary number.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

public partial class _Default : Page
    public float result_base_10;
    public string result_base_2;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    protected void calc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string operation = Operation.Text;

        if (InputA.Text.Length > 0 && InputB.Text.Length > 0)
            switch (operation)
                case "+":
                    result_base_10 = float.Parse(InputA.Text) + float.Parse(InputB.Text);
                case "-":
                    result_base_10 = float.Parse(InputA.Text) - float.Parse(InputB.Text);
                case "*":
                    result_base_10 = float.Parse(InputA.Text) * float.Parse(InputB.Text);
                case "/":
                    result_base_10 = float.Parse(InputA.Text) / float.Parse(InputB.Text);

    protected void update_base_10()
        Base10.Text = result_base_10.ToString();

    protected void update_base_2()
        string base_2_result = result_base_10.ToString();
        result_base_2 = Convert.ToString((int) result_base_10, 2);
        Base2.Text = result_base_2;

    protected void count_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int countOf0 = 0;
        int countOf1 = 0;

        string base2 = Base2.Text;
        for (int i = 0; i <= base2.Length - 1; i++)
            if (base2[i] == '0') { countOf0++; }
            if (base2[i] == '1') { countOf1++; }

        count0.Text = countOf0.ToString();
        count1.Text = countOf1.ToString();


Assignment 2 – Post Code Finder and Zodiac converter

In this assignment we were supplied with a text file of a selection of Brisbane postcodes/Suburbs and which we needed to read in, process and return the postcode given the selection of a dropdown menu. In the second part we needed to provide a converter between a day/month and its corresponding zodiac sign.

Postcode Finder

The Postcode Finder part of this assignment required us to use an asp:updatepanel object and to prove its use by printing the System.DateTime.Now outside the updatepanel.

        public string PostCodeFinder(string suburb)
            string line;
            string filename = Server.MapPath("~") + "/Postcodes.txt";
            System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename);
            Dictionary postcodes = new Dictionary();
            while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) {
                string[] subPC = line.Split(',');
                postcodes.Add(subPC[0], subPC[1]);
            return postcodes[suburb];

        public List SuburbList()
            string line;
            string fname = Server.MapPath("~") + "/Postcodes.txt";
            System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(fname);
            List suburbs = new List();
            int i = 0;
            while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                int sepPos = line.IndexOf(",");
                suburbs.Add(line.Substring(0, sepPos));
            return suburbs;

Zodiac Converter

For the zodiac converter, I used a simple case statement to return the dates given a zodiac. The requirements had us enter the day and month as separate strings in the web form. To return the zodiac given the day/month I simply concatenated them and compared them as a number in the form “mmdd”.

        public string ToZodiac(string month, string ordinal)
            string combo = string.Concat(month, ordinal);
            if (combo.Length != 0) {
                int date = Convert.ToInt16(combo);

                if (int.Parse(month) > 12) { return "Wrong Input Date"; }
                if (int.Parse(ordinal) > 31) { return "Wrong Input Date"; }
                int[] monthsMoreThan31 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 };
                if (monthsMoreThan31.Contains(int.Parse(month)) && int.Parse(ordinal) > 31) { return "Wrong Input Date"; }

                int[] monthsMoreThan30 = { 4, 6, 9, 11 };
                if (monthsMoreThan30.Contains(int.Parse(month)) && int.Parse(ordinal) > 30) { return "Wrong Input Date"; }

                if (int.Parse(month) == 2 && int.Parse(ordinal) > 28) { return "Wrong Input Date"; }

                if (date >= 0321 && date < 0420) { return "Aries"; }
                if (date >= 1123 && date < 1222) { return "Sagittarius"; }
                if (date >= 1223 || date < 0120) { return "Capricorn"; }
                if (date >= 0120 && date < 0219) { return "Aquarius"; }
                if (date >= 0219 && date < 0321) { return "Pisces"; }

                if (int.Parse(month) > 12) { return "Wrong Input Date"; }
                if (int.Parse(ordinal) > 31) { return "Wrong Input Date"; }
            return "Not Found";

Assignment 3 – Bookstore Application

This task was to create a simple (and mock) book store application – add, search, delete, and purchase books. We only needed to save to a text file (CSV) as database use was beyond the scope of the course.

I’ll only show code samples of the more interesting features.

public List SearchBook(string field, string value)
            var matchingBooks = new List();

            foreach (var book in ReadBooks())
                if (field == "Name" &&
                if (field == "Author" &&
                if (field == "ID" && book.ID == value)

                //exception handling extra code for year inputs - we'll use 0 if the year isn't an int
                int Year = 0;
                bool validYear = int.TryParse(value, out Year);
                if (validYear) { Year = Convert.ToInt32(value); }
                if (field == "Year" && book.year == Year)

            return matchingBooks;
// WriteBooks writes the list of books to the file in CSV format.
        private bool WriteBooks(List books)
                using (TextWriter file = new StreamWriter(fname))
                    foreach (var book in books)
                return true;  
                return false;

For purchasing the books, we didn’t need to actually decrease stock or money, since it was just an exercise in creating web services, rather than actually building a book store.

public BookPurchaseResponse PurchaseBooks(BookPurchaseInfo purchase)
            //read the purchase items and gather the stocks and prices
            //return various values for
            BookPurchaseResponse purchaseResponse = new BookPurchaseResponse();
            ServiceReference1.BookServiceClient books = new ServiceReference1.BookServiceClient();
            float totalBookPurchaseCost = 0;
            var bookList = books.GetAllBooks();
            Dictionary booksWithIndex = new Dictionary();
            //let's loop over the bookList and add the Num
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var book in bookList)
                booksWithIndex[i] = book;
            //now let's check the items to buy
            foreach (var item in purchase.items)
                //check the stock first
                    if (booksWithIndex[item.Key].stock >= item.Value)
                        //enough of this book so add the cost to total
                        totalBookPurchaseCost = totalBookPurchaseCost + (item.Value * booksWithIndex[item.Key].price);
                        //not enough stock so return that
                        purchaseResponse.response = "Not enough stock";
                        purchaseResponse.result = false;
                    if (purchase.budget < totalBookPurchaseCost)
                        //not enough money so we should stop checking anyway
                        purchaseResponse.response = "Not enough money";
                        purchaseResponse.result = false;
                    else //never failed so it must be fine
                        float moneyLeft = purchase.budget - totalBookPurchaseCost;
                        purchaseResponse.response = moneyLeft.ToString("C"); //convert it to a string with currency formatting
                        purchaseResponse.result = true;
                //catch { }
                catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                    //entered a Num that's not in the bookList
                    purchaseResponse.response = "Not enough stock";
                    purchaseResponse.result = false;
            return purchaseResponse;