Month: January 2017

Database Correction Interlude

This is the third post in a series, documenting the progression of the project and the challenges I faced at each stage. I’m intending these posts to be almost reflective in nature, rather than very technical, though I will lightly justify some technical choices also. Once I feel that I can move the project out of a prototype stage, I’ll put up a more formal page documenting the technology and some overall reflections.

Because the state of the database kept bugging me, I went back to the original ER diagrams with my friend, and we came to a quite simple solution.

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Posted by Anthony in Course Chooser

UQ Course Chooser Stage 2 – Database Planning and Evolution.

This is the second post in a series, documenting the progression of the project and the challenges I faced at each stage. I’m intending these posts to be almost reflective in nature, rather than very technical, though I will lightly justify some technical choices also. Once I feel that I can move the project out of a prototype stage, I’ll put up a more formal page documenting the technology and some overall reflections.

Following on from part one, I have a Python script to scrape UQ’s course and program websites and now need to design and build a database to store the scraped data.

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Posted by Anthony in Course Chooser

Project: UQ Course Chooser

A project I’m currently working on in my spare time is a Python script/database/web app to help UQ students choose their subjects for the next semester.

This is the first in a series of blog posts almost in a diary format, so I can document the progression of the project and the challenges I faced. I’m intending these posts to be almost reflective in nature, rather than very technical, though I will lightly justify some technical choices also. Once I feel that I can move the project out of a prototype stage, I’ll put up a more formal page documenting the technology and some overall reflections.


The idea stemmed from my own frustrations with choosing subjects for my Graduate Certificate in Information Technology. We have a list of courses (at UQ, a subject is a referred to as a “course”, I’ll use them interchangeably) we can choose from for a particular Program (qualification). This list of subjects unfortunately just divides the subjects into categories related to the program such as “Part A – Compulsory”, “Part B – Introductory Electives”. So when I was choosing my own subjects, I would just open up each course in the list in a new browser tab and then remove the subjects (close the browser tab) that are only offered in a different semester or that I don’t have the prerequisites for.

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Posted by Anthony in Course Chooser

Introducing the projects!

I’ve set up this place to document my university projects and personal project histories, learnings and progress. I’m going to start with pages for the university projects I’ve done in 2016 and continue with ongoing technology projects I’m working on.

In my spare time, I am also working on a personal database and Python project to help students choose subjects at UQ.

Posted by Anthony, 1 comment